Customer Testimonials

IFuture Technologies is focused on results and has had the distinct pleasure of helping clients in a variety of industries overcome the issues that slowed and sometimes prevented outright success. Here’s what some of them had to say about us:

Ramesh Naik V
Senior Manager - Andhra Bank
Microsoft SQL Server Training provided by the trainer in subjected topic is satisfactory and it is up to the expectations of the bank.
Sandeep Kamarapu
This course was interesting, kept my attention and most importantly made me want to change my way of doing things. My eyes were truly opened because of what we learned, and the enthusiasm from the other participants and the instructors have inspired me to want to get out in the territory and get started. Great job…! I truly value everything we have learned! Thank you!
The training on “Artificial Intelligence” for 3 days has been conducted at our office Vijaya Towers, Bank of Baroda, Bangalore. The Training material was good and the Trainer Mr. Srinivas was having very good knowledge, experience in the field and able to convince the audience. Overall training conducted by you was very good. Thanks an lot! Rating per se , It would be 9 out of 10.

Some of the suggestions given by our participants:

  • Training should have been for more number of hours.
  • Practical/hands on should be little more.
  • Examples related to our industry (Banking) should have helped more to understand as all are working in banking sector.

Let me take this opportunity to share my feedback on the recent training session on soft skills, which I had undergone for 8 days.

This was a combination of soft skills, Management skills and a touch of grammar basics. The training sessions were wonderful & interactive , which has emboldened my confidence and enhanced my experience in both oral and verbal communication.

Thanks to Mr. Rajamani, for such an thoughtful and evocative gesture engaging me completely, where I felt sitting 8 hours at one go not alone would be boring, also would hamper my day to day activity, but I thank my intuition of sitting thorough the sessions, and today I am an individual who has not alone learned the basics but also have sharpened my skills

I am sure the skills I acquired during the period of this training would go a long way in enhancing my competitive ability in my esteemed organization as well as the organization, which I would be in near future.

Workshop on Information Security

Thank you Surekha

The objective of the training was to create an awareness in the team and the session and demo was very interesting.

Dear Ms. Geeta

We would like to thank you for providing us with excellent training yesterday.

Mr. Rahul’s training was excellent, very knowledgeable and made our staff feel confident to handle Excel module.

On behalf of Resil Management we convey that the session was successful and looking ahead to organize periodic sessions like this.

Vivek W. Badve
The SQL training has been completed with the trainer Mr. Dilip.  It was nice and it will help the team to perform better in the database area.
Vinod: The session was good. It gave us an understanding on how to use PowerBI for better representation of data. Data connections and integrations were explained in more practical manner than just theory. The session was interactive and fruitful.

Sandeep: Power BI classes are good. He explained us from the basic like connecting data from different source and integrating them with different examples and also the advance functions in power BI which helps us to represent/report data in a better way.
He also promised us to take 2 hours doubts season if required on any Saturday/Sunday.


  • It was in detail and elaborate.
  • It was good that the schedule was shared prior so we were aware of the topics which will be covered.
  • Asking us to try the functions post him explaining was a good thing.
  • May be weekdays should be considered and 2 hours per day as it gets little over whelming.

Bhavesh Kumar
I would like to appreciate the amazing training on O365 Administration done by Mr Saurabh. The endless hours that he spent working on this training and the professionalism that he has shown has impressed the entire team immensely. His diligence, self-motivation as well as dedication have been a source of inspiration for the rest of the team.

Thank you once again for all your effort.

PowerShell Scripting

  • The knowledge shared by the trainer was really great. It was really a great session.
  • Overall a very good session.
  • A lot of topics were not covered, due to lack of time. Please plan such trainings for at least 5 days.
    It was a very good training.
  • The lab Vm setup should have been shared in advance to save 2-3 hrs. during the session.
  • Training was very good I have learnt a lot of from this.
  • It was a really good training.
  • Overall session was good but for such a topic like PowerShell. It shall require at least 30-40 hour training.
  • Training was good but time allocation to this session was not sufficient.
  • Training was good and it was very fruitful for us.
  • Session was helpful in learning concepts of PowerShell and how to make scripts in PowerShell.
  • It was a good training and helped very much to work with power shell and power shell scripting in future.
  • Excellent training session.

Sunil Bajpai
Today we are nearing the end of the English Training Sessions. I have assessed the training done by Ms. Dipti and am very much satisfied with the quality of training imparted and can see a marked difference in the engineers who have attended this course.
Bhavesh kumar
I would like to appreciate your amazing training done by you. The endless hours that you have spent working on this training and the professionalism that you have shown has impressed the entire team immensely. Your diligence, self-motivation as well as dedication have been a source of inspiration for the rest of the team.

Thank you once again for all your efforts.