JAVA Trainings
This Training introduces Corporate Businesses & IT Professionals will master the Java programming language and the packages that constitute its rich set of core libraries. iFuture Technologies provide hands-on exercises so you can practice your new skills.
This Corporate Training, we’ll introduce you to the basic fundamentals of the Java language & also on object-oriented programming, and how you can apply to Java. We’ll introduce Java classes, instances and packaging, applying OOP concepts in Java, including inheritance and polymorphism.
you’ll learn how to use selected parts of the Java SE Class LIbrary, including Generics, Collections, Java Streams, I/O, Exceptions, Annotations and Enums.
While we’ll touch on other important Java topics, such as database connectivity, Java EE and Spring, those topics are covered in greater detail Java Specializations.
You will learn to use the Eclipse environment to create Java projects to work in. You will use these projects to help develop skills in working with Java data types, and control of the flow of your programs, objects, methods, classes and interfaces. Skills that you will practice in these projects will help you in implementing polymorphism, including calculator (math) functions, and an inventory project.
Some of the training topics
- JSP Servlets & EJB
- Struts 2
- Spring & Hibernate
- Java SE7 Fundamentals
- Creating and Using Arrays
- Using Loop Constructs
- Working with Methods and Method Overloading
- Java SE7 Programming
- Java Platform Overview
- Java Syntax and Class Review